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por Birdzout

Reflector Bird Scarer

Precio original $0
Precio original $159.00 - Precio original $159.00
Precio original
Precio actual $159.00
excl GST
$159.00 - $159.00 NZD
Precio actual $159.00 NZD
  • El reflector Birdzout Bird Scarer es un elemento disuasorio visual que funciona con el viento y asusta a las aves con destellos de luz solar.

    A diferencia de las personas, la mayoría de las especies de aves pueden ver el espectro de luz ultravioleta.
    Los destellos de la luz solar confunden, incomodan e irritan a las aves, de modo que evitan el área cubierta.

    Brazos de acero inoxidable con soporte de montaje de 2 pernos de acero galvanizado.

    Coloque el reflector Birdzout en un área donde atrape el viento y la luz solar.

    Disuade la mayoría de las especies de aves de techos, marinas, botes, jardines, cultivos, huertos y otras áreas al aire libre.
    Funciona mejor cuando se combina con un disuasivo de sonido, particularmente en entornos de alta presión de aves.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Brian Graham
No More Stealth Bombers

In they came at supersonic speed, just like Stealth Bombers, fully loaded to splatter my deck with effluent, and to ruin my day. Made the purchase, a mere Eighty bucks and on top of my fence the beast was stuck. Looks bloody good all shiny and new and the birds appear to have relocated, to other targets to drop their poo. Been a couple of weeks now and my deck is clean and like new. Needless to say, I'm not one to gloat, but had a real mission removing the protective coat, from the blades of the beast when it landed at my door, worth all the toil and trouble and what's more, it does what its' designed to do, that is to rid me of the birds and their pesky poo.

Love the product, works great and I can now live with a clean deck. Would recommend this product and the service received from Maintrac. 10/ 10

Deborah Battcher
Reflector Bird Scarer

We have mounted this on top of our kaunch recently after failure of various other bird scaers .It appears more robust and turns with little wind needed .The reflective surfaces seem to help too.A well made and value for money product so may be buying more for vege garden and orchards.

Bird scarer

Works really well so far birds are deterred from pooing on our fence under the powerlines .... although husband had to weld together a stand/stake for it to attach to do it was placed in the correct position.

Norman J Finlayson
Reflector Bird scarer

We mounted it in an open doorway where birds had been camping overnight and depositing their effluent on everything and after a few days we suddenly realised that the birds had gone.
I washed the shed out a week ago and their is no sign of them returning.
We then mounted it on the entrance to another shed where our tractors were being used as roosts and again the birds have decamped.
Have recommended it to two of my friends to protect their tractors.