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por Purivox

Pistola de gas Triplex V

Precio original $0
Precio original $1,765.00 - Precio original $1,765.00
Precio original
Precio actual $1,765.00
excl GST
$1,765.00 - $1,765.00 NZD
Precio actual $1,765.00 NZD
  • El Triplex V es un golpeador estacionario controlado electrónicamente. El ruido que produce al azar ahuyenta a las aves y otras plagas.

    Características especiales:

    • Cubiertas y área de 1 a 5 hectáreas dependiendo de la especie de ave y el tipo de cultivo o área protegida
    • Controlador electrónico.
    • Se puede configurar para disparar de una a cuatro veces por ciclo
    • Volumen de disparo de hasta 96 decibeles a 100 m
    • Fácilmente transportable
    • Volumen de disparo puede ser regulado
    • Eficiente: hasta 15,000 disparos por botella de gas de 9 kg.
    • Garantía de 12 meses
    • Incluye dos baterías de 6 voltios.
    • NUEVO temporizador digital de 24 horas fácil de usar
    • Hecho en Alemania

    Nota: Las botellas de gas LPG no están incluidas; utiliza una botella común de 9 kg.

    Ver nuestro folleto de control de aves en viñedos.

    Leer por qué las pistolas de gas son excelentes para el control de aves.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
S Fisher

We operate three Gas Guns in our vineyard and have traditionally used the Hunter models. Last year we used a Purivox Carousel and were very impressed with its performance, reliability and ease of use. This season we used two of the purivox models and one of the Hunter models on the same block. They were all picked up today and put into storage and it was very interesting to note the difference. Both were used for 6 weeks and set up to operate for the same hours and shots per cycle etc. Purivox Carousels: Used 60% of a 9kg bottle of LPG and the batteries lasted all season. Hunter: Used three 9kg bottles of LPG and the battery had to be charged half way through. This was very interesting when the Carousel emits a louder shot.

H. Gilpin
Reliable and work

Having tried every gas gun on the market, we found that nothing is as good as the Pestgard Purivox gas gun. Our company has been using the Purivox gas gun for more than 16 years. We have over 200 guns in use every year and they are easy to put up. Most of all they are reliable and work. The ease of set up is very important to us. We have one guy full time for the season going around the farms and checking and moving the guns when needed. This ensures that the guns are well looked after and positioned right for optimum coverage. Depending on the size of field, e.g. 10 hectares, 3 - 4 guns work very well.